Thursday, February 18, 2010

Up, Up and Away!

It just dawned on me. The reason why we stay in our obviously destructive relationships is due to fear. The fear of starting over, the fear of waking in the middle of the night to find yourself alone. Worse yet, imagine getting drunk and phoning the bastard (or bitch) that dumped you (or you just dumped) to confess that you are feeling lonely.  Now how pathetic would that be? Blame it on the booze...

Let me give you a word of advice - you get over it faster than you realize it. For some of us (namely me), we cannot admit defeat. We would rather lick  our wounds and experience more emotional injury than admit to the reality that we are in an all-fails affair. We probably are bum magnets. Why, we smoke them out and reel them in! It sucks to realize this at this point in my life. What was I thinking? I cannot possibly correct the damage on this one.

I will face my fears. I am going to examine my options. I will seek out new ventures. I can no longer be afraid. Besides, you are only given what you can handle. You will be my guide. You are my outlet. You are my speakers. Thank goodness for blogging!

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