Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I have Questions For You

Some say a baby cries when it senses evil.

If that is so, why is it that sometimes a baby cries when given to its parent? Why does a baby cry when a priest gets closer? Why does a baby cry in the church or in the crib?

Could it be that the baby is evil?

Perhaps the baby cannot handle the feelings of love that surrounds it. If that is the case, and the baby is evil, are we to chastise the innocent? The parent that hasn't a clue, the priest that closes in on you when you are most fragile, the church with its hypocrisy. . .

Society is evil.

Newborn babies have heightened senses because they are unable to see clearly and to speak. The newborn baby is unable to walk or to run away. Babies are not subjective, they are not influenced by society. They do not follow any order. Babies cry because they know where they have landed. They are not looking forward to being greeted by society. They would rather go back to where they were.

An idea, an inspiration, or a passing fancy?

Why were you born?

1 comment:

  1. Sweet!!!!!!! I couldn't have said that better myself
